Friday, December 28, 2007

Reading Material while I'm out and about.

I'm on vacation right now!
In San Luis Obispo, visiting my friend Rosanna.
She lives in a museum/art gallery house which I'm excited to show you in a few days.

For now though, I thought it would be fun to reminisce.
Most of you probably haven't read my blog since day one, so here are some of my favorite posts from my archives. Just peruse, pick ones that look interesting, or if none of them look interesting, look at because they always have enchanting things for sale.

i noticed i write a lot on the subject of time.
a fun surprise in the parkinglot.

an observation as i brisked through the getty

a day where i felt like the world was collapsing.

and here are some of my all time favorite photos and art projects
this one's entitled: small fluctuations found within the grand scheme of the world

my dad and I went to New York! photos from our trip. they are all yellow and grey.

one of my favorite art projects, made from things i found at home depot and vintage shops

what i learned from photographing a broken chair

a few posts about... me.
8 secret facts about myself

book journals that i love. this is one of my most looked at posts!

a self portrait drawing

photgraphy milestones
my first photos ever-- taken in Africa

my first wedding!

photo tips for new photographers (not a milestone, but whatever.)

i noticed i also write about birds a lot,
a bird that i made out of paper and glue

one of my favorite photo projects I've done. slide film that I burned, layered, wrecked, and made new.

a graphic design project about sparrows. it liberated me.

and that's it!
happy reading. enjoy your day, you life, your world-


Heather Leith said...

i read
all of
them a-
nd lau-
ghed at
my com-

Heather Leith said...

and by the way.


Anonymous said...

I looked at all of them, too! Some came before I knew you had a blog, so they were new to me and I enjoyed them so much - great stuff and great girl! You impress me with your eye on your world and thinking about your world and space! love ya GR MA

Anonymous said...

Good job. I'm definitely going to bookmark you!