Wednesday, August 29, 2007

secret facts!

{the road leading up to my house}
eight small details about myself
that you might not have known.

the lovely Lauren Hillary tagged me, this little game is happening among all the photographers' blogs, and now its my turn to share!

number one. i didn't like art until my senior year of high school. I wanted to be a 4th grade teacher up until I took a trip to Kenya and fell in love with exploring the world through art and photographs. i had never even drawn until a few months ago! i'm new in this art-world. i love it, but i'm definitely new.

two: my favorite color has never been a color, it was black a few years ago, then grey, and now it's white!

three. berries taste good with everything! i eat them on pasta, in sandwiches, sprinkled on salads... oh, speaking of sprinkles: have you ever tried rainbow sprinkles on pizza? SO GOOD!

4. I read backwards. From the bottom of the page up. A little bit psychotic? yes. but-- it does help me get the main idea quicker. And, I don't like doing things the boring way. haa

5. sometimes i don't shave my legs or do my laundry for months at a time, and no, i'm not exaggerating. {can we still be friends?}

sixx-- directions and i don't mix. i've lived in La Mirada for 3 years and and got lost going to the highway the other day. *sigh*

7. I'm 5'10", wear size 10 shoes, weigh 145 pounds.
(Is that one boring?)

eight: i cut my own hair when i see an area that needs a little spice. also regarding haircuts: I never go to the same person twice. Two haircuts ago I told the guy to "just do some fun hair-art" and to be "led by the spirit" and I walked out with a real mullet. i had him recut it. Ahhh! I'm not that brave!

now its time for lindsey, blx, el, mr. robbie commenter, brady, and hollie to write some secret facts. for those of you without blogs, commentt!


Anonymous said...

"4. I read backwards. From the bottom of the page up."

HA, fun fact: when I was in school I always took tests from the back to the front and one time when I didn't finish, the front page had no answers on it and the professor thought I didn't take the test so he graded it an F :(

Lauren Hillary~Photographic Artist said...

i too dont do laundry for months, luckily most gets dry cleaned so i still have clothes, no underwear but lots of black clothes. :-)
I agree with berries and sprinkles yum! Now shave your legs!

Shannon said...

brady! i take tests backwards too!

i'll shave for saturday, lauren. i promise.

Hollie Shannon said...

#1. My blog is a secret lovers blog (so I'll put my secrets here!)

#2. I sometimes put on my prom dress to feel pretty, but only when I'm home alone. If someone drives in the driveway I make a mad dash to rid myself of the evidence of such girliness and jump back on the couch in a lazy position. When the person enters the room I nonchalantly say, "How's it going?"

#3. I tattooed my crush's name on my arm in 5th grade

#4. I've been booed off a stage
(I'm sounding like a real loser here)

#5. I got engaged in Paris! (now I'm a winner!)

#6. my left thumb bends to a 90degree angle.

#7. I have a black belt in karate

#8. my childhood dream was to be a lounge singer. (oh yikes!)

Shannon said...

hol the prom dress one is KILLING me. haaa. i want to walk into our room with you in it. ha!

Ronnie Ruiz said...

I've got the unexpected mullet cut too!! How hilarious, takes me back ;)