Tuesday, January 15, 2008

blythe hill, looking smashing

blythe is an exotically beautiful girl.
she is just so unique.
don't you think?

her and i have recently become disney annual passholders.
so, we went to disneyland on monday morning. MORNING! so fun!!
here is my totally radical friend, loving her life on the bumblebees in California Adventure.heeeeere we are. little besties. (since 10th grade!)she has had this amazingly orange orange coat for a year, and hasn't ever worn it. she told me that she FORCED herself to wear it so that it wasn't wasting closet space. FORCE? you had to FORCE yourself to wear that beauty??
shining, as per usual with herthis is our documentation of her detesting her coat.
i made her smile a little though.

disneyland is just making me so happy.
and the people i go there with.

with love,


blythe said...

what a wonderfully embarrassing [yet glorious] surprise.

that coat!

Shannon said...

did you read the part that said "blythe looking smashing"???

remember that part?

friend, no need to be embarrassed, because right now everyone is jealous of your innate beauty.


blythe said...

i read it, but i don't remember it...?
i do remember feeling like willy wonka.

...smashing as in the smashing pumpkins? as in pumpkins being orange? i'm lost.

Shannon said...

smashing as in HOT!

Donny said...

i was willy wonka once.

blythe said...

donny. of course you were.