Sunday, February 17, 2008

CRASHHHHHHHHHHH (a drawing from when i crashed into a car with my bike)

things keep happening to me.
i've finally had enough time to recouperate from this one to be able to post it in peace.

enjoy this little entry from my journal.


{mom and dad, be sure to read the part on the left side so that you don't think i now have ANOTHER car to fix.}

my oh my,


Hollie Shannon said...

you are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

oh sweetness, i read this aloud to Eli and his mom because it was so amazing.

the other day I was backing out of my driveway at night and backed right into my sister's jeep CRAAASSSHHHH... and that feeling of "oh crap." Then my mom called me a couple of days ago to tell me that my dad did the exact same thing! ha!

anyway. love you.

Anonymous said...

No worries, shan. If there was damage to that car, it would have just given us more stories to tell when we speak at marriage conferences. "How Many Ways Can A Daughter Wreck Cars?" "Well, if you have a creative genius like our daughter, you can find a new way every time!"
or something like that.
Anyway, glad you and the car are okay!
Love you!

Shannon said...

hol, i'm really glad to know that i'm not the only lamey who exists.

mom-- whew, glad i'm still considered your daughter!

Anonymous said...

1. wow. you're mom would have taken that well.

2. one time i was parking. and i hit a car. and i cried. and i left a note. even though there wasnt even any damage. and i was scared. but it all turned out ok cuz the guy called me and said he didnt even notice, but thanks for leaving the note.
and then we started dating. how romantic is that?
(but the last two sentences arent true. but as i was typing the first part i realized thatd be really neat if a love story did in fact bloom...but. one didnt. because i was already in a love story. but. thats besides the point)

3. one time i was riding a bike. like. last year. and i tried to hop off at a stoplight, so i could walk it across the street. and i fell off. and scraped my knee. and there was a car stopped at the stoplight. and i was so embarrassed.

so. i sort of know how you feel. but mine just happened separately.
