Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year's Eve at disneyland--

This is the 6th year that Blythe and I have spent New Year's together. New Year's at disneyland ruled. we loved it.

Blythe was a bit sick, so she was precious and brought soup in a thermos in a backpack.
her vest and her curls and those lights in the background? ah!
it turns out Donny and Blythe bring harmonicas everywhere they go
my friend Caleb.
Matt, and Lindsey, and Justin, and blurry Caleb
my friend, again
with her hand-knitted hatahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
. (one of my favorites.)
a ska band, suburban legends, played they were fun. they even have choreographed trumpet player routines.
donny hoover brought us in to 2008 via harmonica,/////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 times? is that enough?
blythe gave me this yellow jacket, and its called a lumberjacket
my head flew forward onto the seat in front of me in Indiana Jones while I was tickling my neighbors, pretending to be spiders crawling up their necks.

i got a bloody nose.
it was dramatic, to say the least.

rock on!
why is this underlined!
- shan.


W said...

Shannon I love love love your photos! I was browsing photographers and found your amazing site, couldn't leave without telling you your stuff is amazing. Especially the laundromat, those are spectacular! And after looking at your shots I was wondering, as I am a young photographer, if you could give me some pointers. I've been trying to master candids and get profiles that have feeling, if that makes any scence, and you've definitelly got that down. So I'd love some advice :) My site is

and if you have any time, I'd adore some help! Thank you so much for putting your art out there, keep up the amazing work!


Anonymous said...

Well, Shannnnn, you sure had a fun place to go for New Years! We did do something, however. We went and heard a quartet program and the STAMPS sang - that is pretty good, huh?? I think I would have had more fun at Disney Land! You take what you can get, right? At least it was much better than staying home!!! Loved your pictures - it helped us to feel like we were with you there! Thanks. GR MA

blythe said...

i love you and i love new years with you :)

Shannon said...

Mckay, first of all, amazing name you have. secondly, your photos are really quite brilliant. i'm going to email you some more things.

grandma, you might have winced at the crowdedness and loudness of disneyland, but yes, i did have a really great time. i cant wait to see you again!

blx, ditto, and ditto.