Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Coffee = Love

I ate a wheat bagel today, and made a cup of coffee with my French Press. The French Press is the most brilliant thing that has entered my life. Level 10 coffee, folks. Level 10. So flavorful! So full of life!

And the wheat bagel? Why does anyone eat white bread anymore! There are so many delicious options! Your life will be enhanced when grains enter in!

Coffee is my love language.
I drink it plain. No sugar, no milk.

It's really that intense.


blythe said...

french press?? you're intense shan.

Sethicus said...

Seriously. Makes me feel like a pansy. I can only enjoy coffee blended with a ton of milk and sugar and flavorings added in. In fact, I prefer my coffee when you can't actually tell that it's coffee anymore.

Shannon said...

thanks guys.
it took me hard training (literally-- i trained myself for a few months-- slowly decreasing my sugar and milk and caramel additions)
and now I am a free woman.

and its literally-- cheaper!