Tuesday, January 9, 2007

And we even have the same birthday.

I can't tell you how much today's mail made my heart sing. For Christmas, my parents originally gave me a Bible. I decided that since I already had three different versions, adding a fourth would probably be excessive. I returned the Bible (I told the cashier that I was leaving the faith-- and she looked at me wide eyed, and said nothing. It was one of the highlights of December), and with the money I bought books from my new favorite author, Madeleine L'Engle.

She writes about faith and art, and her style of writing is so...free. Her most famous book is A Wrinkle in Time. It seems like every kid should have read it, but apparently I somehow missed that boat. I'm glad that I'm going to be reading it in this phase of life though, because there is no way that I would have been able to get into a fantasy science-fiction novel in elementary school or jr. high...or high school for that matter...if my life depended on it.
Madeleine's writing and I coincided this past semester in my drawing class while reading a book called Seeing by Douglas Campbell. It seriously changed me. There were a few quotes from Madeleine throughout the text, and this one is my favorite:
The Great artists, dying to self in their work, collaborate with their work, know it and are known by it as Adam knew Eve, and share in the might act of Creation. That is our calling,, the calling of all of us. But perhaps it is simplest for the artist (at work, at prayer) to understand, for nothing is created without this terrible entering into death. Without this death, nothing is born. And if we die willingly, no matter how frightened we may be, we will be found, and born anew into life,a nd life more abundant.

I just realized that was kind of a long quote-- thanks if you took the time to read the whole thing. I am beyond excited to read these four other books of hers, because I resonate with her words so much. It is as if she is putting the movement of my heart to words. Just for a little background, I have never LOVED an author. If anyone used to ask my who my favorite author was, or what my favorite book was, I would honestly have no answer. It is so wonderful to finally have one, and to top it all off...we have the same birthday. November 29th! It was meant to be! My goal is to meet her. She lives in New York, and I am hoping to study abroad at the NYCAMS program in New York in the fall. I found out that she holds a writers workshop and a book club. I'm definitely joining.

Don't be a stalker, comment!! Have you read any L'Engle books? Tell me about your favorite one :)


Adria said...

Good stuff. :-) I've read A Wrinkle in Time, and it's sequels. I also just read Walking on Water. That is a beautiful book. Either Walking on Water, or A Swiftly Tilting Planet, is my favorite. I can't decide. :-)

Unknown said...

I have read Walking on Water, and if I ever have the time I'd love to read some more of her books!

Paige said...

I love Madeleine L'Engle, I read Walking on Water over the summer, which was amazing. I love her fiction too. Of the you books photographed, I haven't read Glimpses of Grace. I'll have to find that soon:)

Scot said...

This is a really old post, and who knows if you'll ever get this comment, but L'Engle is also one of my favorites. And she wrote possibly my favorite book ever: The Irrational Season. It's obscure and you'll probably have to search around online to find it, but let me tell you, it's life changing. Check it out, especially if you love Madeleine.