Monday, March 30, 2009

day 1:::::::scatters {polaroid installation}

"Then the quails begin their sweet whistling in the wet bushes. Their noise is absolutely useless, and so is the delight I take in it. There is nothing I would rather hear, not because it is a better noise than other noises, but because it is the voice of the present moment, the present festival."

Rain and the Rhinoceros


the show has happened!
today was a success, it surprised ME in lots of ways, and I'm going to take you blog-readers on a 5-day journey through each installation of the show, and THEN I'm going to do a few behind-the-scenes, special features posts, mostly because i'm in love with documentaries and the special features are my favorite part. i love revealing secrets. so, stay with me for the next week or so---- check back each day, and we'll have some fun. plan?

this was the first installation. an organic grid on the wall with about two hundred polaroids as well as CANVASES of polaroids!
the left wall,
this wall was the first one we did------- it's the back wall of the gallery, and it is my FAVORITE! the differences between each white or grey one are so fascinating. obsessed with this.
the right wall,
brussel sprouts!

enjoy today----------


josh said...

Thanks for posting these. I'm looking forward to seeing how the show progressed through the week.

brady said...


Katy said...

really fabulous, shannon. amazing.

megan said...

so, the pictures look great.