Monday, November 3, 2008

guest blogger: my amazing grandma

Hello to you all. :)
hello hello.

today, i'd like to share some insight and beauty from my Grandma.

she's given me permission to share all of this with you.

I get these incredible emails from her every few weeks that say "4 pictures for you"... "11 pictures for you"... and they always have a little shimmer of beauty in them. Most of the time the photos have a funny little quirk, most of the time the average person wouldn't have noticed what my Grandma notices... and I have realized that I get a lot of my vision from her. I never really knew it until she started sending me these photo-email-gifts... but I really can see my seeing-DNA in the way that my Grandma Marilyn sees the world. She sees things uniquely, and I love that.

Her and my Grandpa Alf travel all over Canada in an a 5th wheel RV. I'm in awe of their ability to be constant-campers. I could never do it. (shhhhhhh: i like hotels better)

her caption for this was: "my new car..... I WISH"
here she is with the most amazing bushes ever,and this is my grandpa cleaning the 5th wheel!

Here's her explanation to me about the next series, entitled:
My friends - the hay bales.

"I noticed them the first day we went to the farm.
We had been in a very noisy, busy camping situation.

If I looked out my window I saw chubby ladies taking chubby dogs (with hair bows) for potty walks. Kids on bikes flew through the camp, old guys with walkers or canes tottered by - up and back up and back - and cars or trucks went by and threw up the dust all day.

It was so relaxing to go to the farm and the only thing were the hay bales. I liked them immediately - they were quiet and stately. I began noticing that they changed personalities with the time of day or weather."


how incredible is this?

let's all move to Canada.
ha, the day before the election.

thanks Grandma, for these great photos.
i love them.
who, in case you didn't know.... is A DUAL CITIZEN!


Anonymous said...

cool pictures!

your grandpa's name is alf?! mine's is bud! i love old people's names!


Anonymous said...

This is truly the greatest tribute you could have written for your Grandma. I'd call your blog entry, "Ode to a Quirky Grandma." And don't you love her "Study of the Personality of Haybales"? She's one of a kind, and that makes you one-r of a kind-er. Ya. Youbetcha.

Ronnie Ruiz said...

I miss my grandmas *sniff* but thanks for taking me to that place :)

blythe said...

your g-ma's pics are incredible!

Hi M! Hi Alf!

blythe said...

p.s. hope we're on good enough terms for me to call her M! ;)

Anonymous said...
