Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hike! (((((GRIFFITH PARK!!)))))))

A bunch of people who all live in my apartment building went on a hike. AT GRIFFITH PARK!! My favorite place!!! I think that Los Angeles is beautiful, and I love that we can take a random hike in the middle of the city.

Here's Ro and I eating rice krispie squares.
i had five, which to me, seemed normal,
just doing stretches because of how difficult the hike was,
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

ohh hikes.
i love them,
when there's rice krispie squares.

kind of athletically challenged,


Anonymous said...

wait... don't you hate shorts and don't you make fun of anyone wearing shorts?!

i am pretty sure i see a picture of you in shorts, hahaha

nice fanny pack, by the way ;)

(i hope you don't sprain an ankle... your footwear lacks proper support!)

ok, come visit now!

Anonymous said...

(i noticed the new purple signature, in case you werewondering...)

Shannon said...

those are capris, brady


blythe said...


Anonymous said...

we call 'em shorts in new york!

Anonymous said...

These are about the funniest pictures I have ever seen. I think I could take on your entire group in my Spin Class. Ooo! Throwdown!