Thursday, September 4, 2008

les Mis + John Williams at the Hollywood Bowl

One of my favorite favorite FAVORITE! things to do in LA is go to the Hollywood Bowl. Donny and I have gone twice in the past month: once to see Les Mis (so good!) and once to see John Williams (loved it!).

I think the picnic beforehand is one of my favorite parts, because I love food, but I also love beauty and people and creativity and walking up big hills and sitting on a bench under the stars.... so the Hollywood Bowl is an absolutely perfect place to spend an evening.
our subversive way of getting a non-creepy
picture of that cute dad with the baby.
our friend matt with intense binoculars

i was inspired to post these photos because right now I'm listening to byzantine chats, which reminded me of John Williams for some reason, which reminded me of these 2 lovely nights. the hollywood bowl is TRULY, truly, incredible.

love it!


Ro said...

I love that dad with the baby. said...

that's so funny, because that dad with the baby is my friend Mark...What are the odds?!?!?!

Roomies of Apartment E said...

Shanna says:

I totally remember you buying the Byzantine Chants. My first time (and only time) to the...crap...what's the name of the museum? I need sleep. Anyway, you bought it there.

Roomies of Apartment E said...

By the way, I'm super excited that I can now leave you posts. I have a gmail account and I guess that works! Hooray!!!