Tuesday, February 12, 2008

my most embarrassing moment(s) –

this has happened to me three times.

Someone goes to brush a little hair off of my neck and realizes:
OH. oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S CONNECTED
then I proceed to turn bright red.
and i mean... bright. red.

i get little black chin hairs. often.

i feel lucky to have good friends like Rosanna who will 1) tell me when i have them, and 2) pluck them for me.

Does anyone else have this problem?

my solution is as follows.
I'm going to start keeping tweezers in three places. my purse, my car and my bathroom. i hate when i'm out and i find one... and then i have to try and yank it out with my fingernails, like i did this afternoon in my car right before class.

it would be highly encouraging if you could share an embarrassing moment with us all via the comments... so we can relax and breathe a sigh of relief that we're not alone.



blythe said...

ok, i'll be first:
there are plenty, as you well know, but the most recently HORRIFIC was last july when i was in seattle swimming at a lake with some friends. i got in a fun spirited "i'm-going-to-throw-you-off-the-dock" fight with a good friend (riley)'s younger brother (who is 18), and moments of arm-locked struggle finally culminated in my bikini top spontaneously popping unlatched from the back. i immediately dropped to the dock in the fetal position, and scuttled to the edge, plopped overboard, and secured my top in the safety of the dark lake water. should i also mention that the group i was with consisted of only one other girl and about, oh, seven boys (probably over half of which were 18)???


Shannon said...

thank you for sharing.

everyone else, all hundred of you per day, please add to our stories with yours.


Anonymous said...

I'll send you a picture of your brothers pinching each other's zits in a restaurant. It's a little habit they've picked up that reminds me of monkeys grooming each other. Precious.

Sethicus said...

I get black hairs on my nose... and I get fuzz on my ears.

Definitely obnoxious and embarrassing if it gets out of hand.

Heather Leith said...

someone called me ugly today. that was more awkward, though.

Heather Leith said...

oh! got one. today in history, our sub brought us kumquats (because he felt like it, sweet thing) and i was chewing one.

and they are SUUUUPER sour. like, BEYOND sour. worse thana lemon. so i am frantically chewing it and like my eyes are watering. and i like open my mouth and then a huge drool comes out of my mouth and like oozes out of my mouth onto the carpet and onto my hands. and there was like twenty people watching. and these girls were just like "...ew...."

super embarrassing, i drooled.
but it was more than drool. it was like gathering spit for like minute, then letting it drool out.

Riley Kimball said...

I have one similar to yours Shan...

I get ingrown whiskers. Ouch! They hurt really bad. I get them around the bottom corners of my mouth and what's worse they look like zits. Crikey.

I have tweezers strategically placed as well. One at work, in the car, and in my travel bag.

Ellen said...

Oh Shann. Well, I don't get embarrassed very often.

But, I did walk into a dumpster in front of the caf when I first came to visit Biola and fell on my keester.

And, in eighth grade, I sneezed really hard in Algebra and farted. I was almost embarrassed, until I remembered that everybody farts.

Well, there you have it.
Two embarrassing moments.

Hollie Shannon said...

#1. I share your random hair finding thing... I have often attempted to brush a misplaced hair off only to find it connected. I've gotten at least one long hair growing out of my cheek, the side of my nose, my back (ugh), and arms. Plus... i have this one little spot on my chin where a solitary whisker grows, then waits to be pulled, then grows again.

#2. one time a friend of mine snapped me with a towel and when I turned around they hid the towel and put their pinky in the air as if to say they flicked me that hard with their pinky. At first I said, "yea, sure." but they kept doing it and I could never see the towel... so in a moment of sheer gullibility, when I thought no one else was watching, I flicked my friend Kristin with my pinky and said, "did that hurt?" needless to say everyone thought it was so funny that I really thought he had flicked me that I quickly realized my idiocy.

#3. Freshman year at biola I step on a wet metal grate and fell flat on my butt in front of people

#4. I got booed off the stage at a lip sync my freshman year of high school.

lets all just laugh it off eh?

blythe said...

hollie's last one reminded me of an embarrassing (yet amazing) fact of my childhood:

i was a flying monkey in the wizard of oz in 8th grade.

a flying monkey!
i was 14!

Shannon said...

hollie, that was epically amazing. thanks for your transparency

and, i'm SO glad we share the weird-hairs thing... ahh!

Anonymous said...

When I first moved to the U.S. of A for some reason I kept saying Forest Rain instead of Rain Forest.

oh but wait there is more recent one: My church had this Valentine's Ball thing, and while everybody was on the dance floor me and Lindsey ran out to get water, on the way back I totally tripped and fell on my knees (while wearing a dress that wasn't that "long"). Good thing "I think" nobody saw it...or I like to think that nobody saw it!

Anonymous said...

When I first moved to the U.S. of A for some reason I kept saying Forest Rain instead of Rain Forest.

oh but wait there is more recent one: My church had this Valentine's Ball thing, and while everybody was on the dance floor me and Lindsey ran out to get water, on the way back I totally tripped and fell on my knees (while wearing a dress that wasn't that "long"). Good thing "I think" nobody saw it...or I like to think that nobody saw it!

The Lung Family said...

So, I know that this has been up for a while, but I just found it with your link today...here's my one:

I was working at my brother's summer camp in WA in 2006 and we were filming the theme video a few weeks before all the campers were there. There were 4 of us that were the main people in the video, and we were all supposed to be hill-billies. I was the only girl, but I wasn't supposed to be too girlie. We were filming a scene where we were all supposed to be working out, and I was supposed to be the coach. My brother thought it would be funny if I laid on the ground and the three other guys got on top of my back standing up and I pretended to do a push up. These were all full grown guys who were each over 165 at least. So one gets on my upper back, one on my lower back, and one on m butt, and I fart, and then laugh and the pee my pants...it was a joyous occasion to pee my pants at 21. Luckily I had on jean shorts under my overalls so it soaked up most of the pee, but it was humorous for the boys to hear me say that "I wet myself" in a hill-billie accent, and then waddle off to my cabin. There you go Shannon. Whenever you feel embarrassed, just think about this story, and you will be great!