Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Apparently I'm a bad museum-goer.

I walk into the Pomona College Museum of Art.
I was there to see James Turrell's show.
Immediately, the museum woman came up to me and told me I couldn't take any pictures.
Okay I said.
Then she came up to me when I got out my pen, and she handed me a pencil.
You can't use pens in here. she said.
Next, I stepped over the grey tape.
The grey tape which was on a grey floor.
I was just trying to see the sculpture!!!
Miss, you can't step over the grey tape.
At this point, I felt kind of stupid. I'm in my 4th year as an art major, I go to museums almost weekly, and I forgot those simple rules?

Next I walk into the main exhibit. It was a room that was filled with a hazy blue light. This is a picture I found on the internet of it:
The rectangle in the middle looks like a wall at first, but the room really keeps going.
I asked the guy in charge:
Can I go into the 2nd room?
I thought he said Sure! so, I sat down, dangled my feet over the edge, and got ready to hop down. (room 2 had a 4 foot drop.)
the man ran over and said
wait! miss!! you are NOT allowed to go down there.
What? didn't you just say I COULD?
another guy who was in the room was laughing, because he apparently heard him say yes also.
No-- you can't go in the 2nd room.

So, I exit, and on my way out, I opened a door that looked like another section of the gallery.
Up runs the cranky woman from the beginning.
That's our office. You can't go in there.


Can we all just chill out?

So, no photos today.
they were illegal.


Annie Smith said...

haha that is pretty amuzing.

you should have jetted to her desk and grabbed a pen and drawn a box around you and said you can't come into my box. i mean thats what i did.

Ronnie Ruiz said...

wow, this too shall pass :)

Shannon said...

ha, yeah, i totally should have pranked her. although, i'm a bad pranker. i'm not sly enough, and i always laugh, and i always give myself up.

Sethicus said...

If ever I were a museum curator, it would be a very hands-on museum. And I'd cut some of the postmodern paintings into circles and mount them on a spinning disc on the wall, then ask viewers to determine a method of knowing when the painting is the right way up.

Anonymous said...

hey remember that time when people thought we were part of that exhibit at the museum of modern art?

the blue room is cool!!!!

Shannon said...

seth, you have the best ideas! do it!

ha brady- yeah. that was fun. we were mice or something, right?

Sethicus said...

People thought you were part of an exhibit at the MOMA? Story, please?

Shannon said...

we were sitting in a room that was a large mousetrap, and people kept looking at us as if we wre part of the exhibit.

you never know what they thought, but we pretended to be strategically placed.

ha, it was funny.

Unknown said...

shan - this story is amazing. i love it. beside the whole episode were you able to enjoy the exhibit? i saw it once in LA. inventive though it was, i thought i'd be blind thereafter.

amy katherine said...

this is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Shannon, I miss being neighbors.