Tuesday, July 31, 2007

i titled it: blog me please, i'm pretty.

isn't it nice?
it happened when i stuck my camera out the window while driving.

I'll let you into my chaotic, semi-funny, semi-annoying file naming system.
Well, it's not a system. It's an explosion.
File Naming Explosion.

This photo is literally called "blog me please, i'm pretty".

Other names of things:
- poleroids on a string
- i dont know
- today
- freedom letter
- everything
- so, the trip
- a
- the wedding?
- adorable houses
- good one of weeds
- i love it

Goal: name things so that I know what they actually ARE.
although, on the other hand, i kind of like that my desktop talks to me. "I love it!" "I don't know" "Something really fun".

So, be free in your file naming
until you dont know where anything is.


Sethicus said...

I should try this at work with all of my various spreadsheets and pitchbooks. Hilarity would ensue! Then, I'd get fired. But it would be fun!

Ellen said...

Shan, you KILL me.

I love it.

Maybe we should name things in our apartment like this, like leftovers, when we cook up a storm.


I can't wait!!!

Heather Leith said...

i love the format of your posts. they are so....


Shannon said...

seth- just try it anyway. you might not get fired.

i think we should definitely label our apartment. everything. "the place we sit and cry when we've had a bad day" "delish chicken from last night", etc.

hi heath!

David T. Ulrich said...


'poleriods' is actually spelled Polaroids.

[yes, with a capital P too. its a proper noun.]

Shannon said...

thanks david


Anonymous said...

There was a time in your life when you were anti-organization. I believe it was a rebellion against my alphabetized spices and file folder systems for your school artwork. So, it warms the cockles of my heart to know that you have, in your own random way, figured out how to make organization fun, whimsical, yet effective for the mind of a random thinker. I'm so proud of you!

Your Mother Who Never Comments On Your Blog But Thinks It's Wonderful