Wednesday, June 20, 2007

fever! #3 {sparrow explorations}

i found this in new york
path of a free leg

the connections between spring, freedom, birds, and grace just perplex and intrigue me to no end. how do all of these things exist so perfectly together?

how is it that birds signal freedom, to be free we must receive grace, spring brings new life, new freedom, new flight... isn't it amazing that even things like eating and typing can either be free or restrained?

i don't always type freely. i don't always make art freely. a lot of the time its wrapped up in a bow so as to protect my wandering trails of thoughts that sometimes don't make sense from onlookers who might think i'm a tad crazy. my process this year has been to realize: what is crazy is if i am living my life for other people's approval...not being free.

oh, and i remembered today while drinking a cup of coffee from Tully's, my favorite place-- Charissa! My middle name! IT MEANS GRACE!

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